Please note: These pages are only temporary placeholders, as we are in the process of re-coding the entire site. Stop by later to see what we have for you!
Welcome to the website Logical Faith
To many, this combination of words is an oxymoron, but this is how the Lord expects us to process His Word.
When we use the word “logical” in the scope of this website, we mean what makes sense based on the entire Biblical overview of a concept. In other words, we will be discussing what God has revealed about his heart and nature through His Word, not just using one verse but the entire Bible. We will attempt to go beyond the natural human reasoning and try to put forth God's true revelation about the concept(s) discussed, otherwise, it can and has been reduced to absolute nonsense by many people.
When we say “His Word” or “the Word” we will be using the Protestant Christian Bible, both Old and New Testament, the 66 traditional books that we have today as the source of our studies. We have defined the Bible as above, not to immediately offend or exclude anyone or group, but to give a clear and honest understanding from where we will be basing our studies.
This website is primarily for who consider themselves Christians, followers of Christ, etc, although anyone is certainly welcome to partake of the offerings here.
To the unbeliever, the Bible is always foolishness, nonsensical and contradictory. This is because they are only able to use human reasoning to interpret what His Word is trying to convey. And let's be honest, if human reasoning, logic, and/or experience is the only guiding principal used when reading the Bible, then they are absolutely correct. But the true believer has the Holy Spirit to guide and help with learning what the Lord is conveying through the scriptures. When the Holy Spirit guides your thoughts as you meditate on His Word, it becomes more clear and logical not on our human terms, but God's terms.
1 Corinthians 2:14 (NIV) 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
Psalm 119:15 (NIV) 15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
One needs to realize God's Word is not about you, it's about Him. Don't study the Bible unless you honestly want to learn about who God is, and want to please Him; the One true God, the God that made the universe; not a god in you, or a god formed in your own mind, or a god whose primary purpose is to make you happy.
If you are reading the Bible with the attitude of “what can I get out of this” or “what's in this for me”, then you will be offended by what it, and this website, has to offer. If you are searching for how to use God's Word for your own purposes, you will be constantly frustrated. You need to be absolutely honest with yourself about your intentions. God already knows your heart, but do you?
If you truly want to know Him, then He will help you find the truth about Himself. But be forewarned, His truth is almost always not what your human mind is expecting, or what you would want (in your deity).
Isaiah 55:8 (NASB) states: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.
Why? He tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 &10 (NASB): 9“The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? 10“I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.
This website has 2 main parts. The first is called Study Notes and the other is called Case Studies. These are explained more in detail when you choose the corresponding tabs above. New items will be added to these frequently over the next few weeks, months, years, so stop back often.
Our hope is that this website will help you get into God's Word with the proper attitude, of sincerely wanting to know the true God, instead of what you wish to find, so that you can logically build your faith.